24/7 Emergency Water Damage Restoration Services • Free Visual Inspection For Property Owners (615) 208-4505

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911 Restoration of Middle Tennessee


(615) 208-4505
of Middle Tennessee

Role of Healthcare Managers During Disaster Restoration in Middle Tennessee

Published by 911 Restoration Middle Tennessee on April 14, 2022 in category: Mold Inspection
Disaster restoration in Middle Tennessee can get very volatile and complex. While medical services are crucial during a disaster, the same cannot be said about disaster restoration. Instead, the role of the helpers becomes more passive during the restoration process. They ensure all the employees... 

How Far Does Wildfire Smoke Travel?

Published by 911 Restoration Middle Tennessee on March 31, 2022 in category: Fire Damage Repair
You may think you’re safe from wildfire smoke, but it can travel further than you think. In fact, wildfire smoke has been known to travel great distances, sometimes spanning thousands of miles from its original point of impact. They pose a grave danger to the... 

Identifying The Cause of a Sewage Backup In Commercial Buildings

Published by 911 Restoration Middle Tennessee on February 17, 2022 in category: Uncategorized
When your building’s sewage lines become clogged, thereby stopping wastewater from flowing through drainage pipes, a severe blockage occurs. The thick, black water that forms sewage is a risk, as it contains pollutants and diseases that can become an extreme threat to the lives of... 

Water Damage Prevention Checklist

Published by 911 Restoration Middle Tennessee on January 31, 2022 in category: Uncategorized
Water may be an essential requirement for your body’s sustenance and for the overall maintenance of personal hygiene, but an abundance of it inside the home can be harmful for both your personal belongings and the structure of your house. When additional water creeps into... 

Frayed Electrical Wires – How to Avoid Them & Risk of Fire Damage

Published by 911 Restoration Middle Tennessee on November 19, 2021 in category: Uncategorized
Home electrical fires are one of the most common types of fires that you will witness each year. In the best-case scenario, frayed electrical wires can lead you to a minor shock which you quickly recover from. In other cases, exposed wires can transform into... 
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PO Box 1701, Manchester TN 37349
*Property Owners Only. Restrictions Apply